BRUSSELS, 13 MONDAY 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe warns against the misuse of claims, labels, or communication initiatives about food products, that contribute to greenwashing and hinder the agroecological transition towards sustainable food systems. Claims and labels on packages range from regenerative, local, organic to ecological agriculture. However, not all that glitters is gold, or green in this case, and the increasing use of the term “regenerative agriculture” is a case in point.
While the reasoning and farming method behind a claim like ‘regenerative’ can be with the best intentions, it is just as much used for greenwashing purposes. The European organic food and farming movement welcomes the adoption of some regenerative practices in conventional farming and looks forward to cooperating with serious regenerative actors. However, IFOAM Organics Europe is concerned that use of the term is taking forms undermining the meaning, goals, and potential of regenerative agriculture, including organic farming.