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Food & Beverage Insider Magazine

Author: Nick Collias

The new organic is “organic and fair”

Organic certifications are more popular than ever; nevertheless, increasingly, consumers see that label as just the start of the conversation. As such, food and beverage ingredient producers at SSW progressively provide a laundry list of sourcing information: not just how a product was created, but also by whom.

Global Organics’ Aaron Iverson, who has been in the organic space for more than 30 years, said he hears from brands and consumers alike who want organic ingredients to reflect their human roots as well as their ecological ones.

“Increasingly, people treat organic like going to the doctor, who tells you, ‘Don’t drink too much, don’t smoke, don’t do this and this,’” Iverson explains. “Sustainability is like having increased awareness, like taking care of your mental and emotional health. And fairness is a huge one that people are asking for. It’s about being compassionate: being well-minded towards our fellow people, and having good, positive relationships.”

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