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Food & Beverage Insider Magazine

Author: Cindy Hazen

“Cynthia Morphet, QA (quality assurance) certifications and customer support manager at ingredient supplier Global Organics, emphasized that organic agriculture is the standard for sustainability. “It limits the use of chemicals and synthetic inputs and encourages practices that restore the health and vitality of the soil. Regenerative agriculture takes the organic standards a step further, encouraging practices that also increase biodiversity, and address the health and welfare of livestock. 

Sustainability can be a challenging undertaking for companies like Global Organics because they procure large numbers of ingredients from around the globe. The company’s suppliers are primarily located in Central and South America, Asia and Europe. “One of the challenges in supporting and choosing sustainable ingredients from other countries is the need to ensure that sufficient quantities of ingredients will be available,” Morphet explained. “We also need to be able to provide support to suppliers so that they can achieve and maintain the certifications that will help them achieve a sustainable future.” The company requires organic certification for the ingredients they sell, and they also evaluate the suppliers’ practices against other standards that address additional aspects of sustainability such as labor and the environment.”

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