Dairy Foods Magazine
Author: Brian Berk
Cambridge, Mass.-based Global Organics’ Organic Agave Inulin powder can act as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria for improved digestion, nutrient absorption, and reduce the risk of gut-related ailments, maintains Ravi Arora, the company’s sales and marketing director.
“The use of agave inulin powder can help ice cream and other dairy manufacturers decrease sugar content while simultaneously increasing the presence of dietary fiber on the product label,” he says.
There is an increasing emphasis on planetary health, stresses Arora. “Consumers are more conscious of the environmental impact of all their food choices, including ice cream. Regenerative agriculture is gaining traction, with a quarter of global consumers actively seeking dairy products that support regenerative farming,” he says, citing Innova’s “Dairy Trends and Dairy Alternatives: Global Impact” report.
“One example of this movement is Alec’s Ice Cream, which uses Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) cane sugar sourced through Global Organics in partnership with Native, a leader in the Green Cane Project. Additionally, they source ROC-certified bananas, coffee, maple and almonds, and use Land to Market Verified regenerative organic dairy,” Arora adds.